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circle-student-success.pngOngoing Support

Academic Achievement Hub

UC San Diego Teaching + Learning Commons provides continuous support for course development and program development initiatives through our comprehensive services for faculty and students. To learn more about these services visit our six hubs.

The Academic Achievement Hub (AAH) promotes active learning and focuses on developing students’ skills rather than merely transmitting information. Our professional staff provides guidance and options for academic support programming that will best support your students’ academic success. Examples include: embedded tutoring, content tutoring, peer-led study groups,  peer mentoring, metacognitive tutoring, and academic skills coaching. 

Digital Learning Hub

Digital Learning advances teaching and learning excellence and increases access to education on the UC San Diego Campus and beyond using digital technologies. The Digital Learning team contributes to student success by collaborating with faculty, teaching & instructional assistants and academic administrators to strengthen the quality and breadth of UC San Diego's educational offerings, and by providing a variety of academic services, including online teaching workshops, consultations, and instructional technology support.

Education Research and Assessment Hub

The  Education Research and Assessment Hub promotes and facilitates the use of inquiry of teaching and learning to improve student learning and the quality of UC San Diego’s academic programs. We help departments and instructors measure and understand student learning, gauge the impact of university initiatives to inform programming decisions and provide evidence about how to enhance learning for the broader education community.

Engaged Teaching Hub

The Engaged Teaching Hub promotes student academic success by working with all UC San Diego educators (faculty, lecturers, TAs, IA, postdocs, and others) to integrate evidence-based practices that support teaching and build effective learning environments.

Experiential Learning Hub

The Experiential Learning Hub at the Teaching + Learning Commons serves students, educators, and community partners as a central campus resource supporting experiential learning.

Writing Hub

The Writing Hub works with undergraduate and graduate students—any project, at any stage of the writing process—and promotes writing as a tool for learning. We work with instructors to integrate meaningful writing assignments into your curriculum.