Dr. Erilynn Heinrichsen serves as Assistant Director of Engaged Teaching in the Teaching and Learning Commons. Supporting both new and advanced graduate student instructors, Erilynn Heinrichsen’s goal is to ensure that Teaching and Instructional Assistants (TIAs) have the opportunity to receive effective pedagogical training for teaching diverse learners at UC San Diego and in preparation for their future careers. Prior to joining the Teaching and Learning Commons, she taught through the Division of Biological Sciences at UC San Diego and was adjunct faculty at San Diego City College. She earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from UC San Diego and has been actively involved in the areas of student-centered instruction and inclusive teaching methods throughout her academic career, beginning with training as an NSF GK-12 Socrates Fellow in graduate school and then as an IRACDA Postdoctoral Scholar. Her current research interests include the development of graduate students as reflective and scholarly instructors, and creating opportunities for formative assessments of instructional design and delivery by TIAs.